March 30, 2013

Maps & Concepts

These are the main topics about technology and secret services that I'm going to treat in this blog!!
Hoping that, now that you know which the arguments are, you still want to keep on  reading this stuff...In this case appointment to the next blog!! I'm sure it won't take long!

March 24, 2013

Secrecy...Pros & Cons

I know I should have already finished, but there is one last thing that I wanted to add and then I'm done with preambles... the major hindrance in tackling the world of secret services is the secrecy itself... and to better explain it I added a quote taken from the Introduction of The Code Book by Simon Singh, that it's actually referring to cryptography but I think that can also be extended to the secret services in general:

" The science of secrecy is largely a secret science. Many of the heroes in this book never gained recognition for their work during their lifetimes because their contribution could not be publicly acknowledged while their invention was still of diplomatic or military value. This culture of secrecy continues today, and organizations such as the U.S. National Security Agency still conduct classified research into cryptography. It is clear that there is a great deal more going on of which neither I nor any other science writer is aware"
[The Code Book, Simon Singh]

With these words I don't mean to absolve my self from my duty...I'm just trying to explain why many information, that I'm going to publish, will not cover the most advanced tools now disposable or why they will not be completely exhaustive.

P.S. I  read the entire book two years ago and I found it so interesting that I based my final high school exam thesis on some of its chapters... so I highly recommend it to anyone, also because it deals with a topic that is growing strongly in importance nowadays.

March 23, 2013

Let's Get To It...

Let's start this completely new adventure (I've said new because is my first blog and not just a different try to be clement at least at the very beginning). In these pages I will be chattering about the technologies developped and  applied to the field of secret services (as you've already probably guessed from the title) for my History of Technology Course held by Professor Vittorio Marchis at the Politecnico of Turin.
This year we had to choose a book from which to extract the theme of our discussion and I've decided to try my hand in reading Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon

Seriously hoping that you will enjoy reading this blog at least a quarter of how much fun I'm having in writing it; I greet renewing our appointment to the next post.