Gioconda, by Leonardo Da Vinci, Musée du Louvre, Paris
My connection might result a little bit illogical or unfounded to some of you, due to the great time and topic lapse, but I can assure you that there are few interesting links between the two elemets.
First of all they are both an incredible example of the Technique: the Gioconda painting is a demonstration of the amazing drawing and painting skills of the author Leonardo da Vinci, of his innovative genius: like the use of the sfumato, a method that consinsts in making a a subject blend in what is sorrounding it, by not drawing the outlines. The evolution lies in the presence of the atmosphere as a visual element of the painter's original perception of the reality.
On the other side secret services are the maximum expression of technology in terms of prototypes, since all new inventions pass under the army's supervision before being patented to see if they can be of military interest; in terms of security since they can boast he newest and most advanced instruments to encrypt and break codes, really usefull when it comes to understand others movement, to built an advantage in war time and prevent unpleasant situations that could put an end to a peaceful period; and in terms of organization since they control an entire system of many agents, spread all around the country taken into consideration and most probably all around the world, with different capabilities to absolve multiple functions.
Another common pecularity is given by the mistery halo that surround them: in the first case the enigma around the subject, the painter's choices about the eyes, the pose of the body, the ambiguous facial expression etc, in the other one due to the need of absolute secrecy in treating classified data like undercover agent identities and witness protection programme information.
I don't think it is wrong to think that it's just that not knowing, those secrets that concern them is the real cause of a such great media interest, like for example literary and cinematographic productions such as The Da Vinci Code and the series of 007 by Ian Fleming.

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